Video editing is one of the most important processes in film making. It can be the difference between a good film and a great film. A passionate video editor can take a film from good to great. Video editing is an art form. It is the process of taking raw footage and turning it into a work of art. A great video editor has a passion for their craft. They are always looking for ways to improve their skills and make their films better. In this post, we’ll see some great quotes about video editing.
Video Editing Quotes
“I can’t drag myself away from ‘Final Cut Pro.’ It is a digital video editing system. I am obsessed with it, but I am always away from home, and I can’t use it.” – Margaret Cho

“I’ve never been a big fan of the music-video style of editing movies that crept in the last few decades. I like stuff that’s able to take its time” – Frank Darabont
“When I started editing on my home computer, I said to myself, ‘Well, I could be at home studying for a class or I could be at home editing a video.” – Joseph Gordon-Levitt

“I’ve never been a big fan of the music-video style of editing movies that crept in the last few decades. I like stuff that’s able to take its time.” – Frank Darabont
“I love the editing process of making movies. I just wish that life had one.” – Mike Nichols

“I don’t shoot movies quickly because I get a lot of coverage and a lot of angles, so we have all the pieces in the editing. I do a lot of takes, but it’s because I’m looking for something.” – Nancy Meyers
“Whenever I think about movies, I always look at the art process as having the best of a lot of worlds. Because if you watch a great film, you have a musical element to it, not just on the scoring, but in the way that the shots are edited – that has music and rhythm and time.” – Fran Ocean

“Film editing is now something almost everyone can do at a simple level and enjoy it, but to take it to a higher level requires the same dedication and persistence that any art form does.” – Walter Murch
“I feel that working with the camera and editing it is actually my strong suit.” – Adam Yauch

“I moved to New York City when I was 20 years old, started making movies non-stop. I didn’t have any friends, so I would just sit at home all night editing on my iMac.” – Casy Nesitat
“My first three movies, I didn’t start editing until we were finished shooting. That’s unthinkable to me now.” – Steven Soderbergh

“I love editing. It’s one of my favorite parts about filmmaking.” – Steven Speilberg
“Movie first… Scene second… Moment third.” – Sam O’Steen

“I have produced all my music videos. Love to get behind the camera and get involved in the editing process.” – Antoinette Costa
“I’m a big fan of editing and keeping only the interesting buts in.” – Sarah Vowell

“Editing is kind of a solitary job.” – Joe Dante
“Editing makes or breaks a movie, you know.” – Jamie Uys

“Editing the only process. The shooting is the pleasant work. The editing makes the movies, so I spend all my life in the editing.” – Garry Marshall
“To me, editing is all about collaboration.” – David Fincher

“I think of editing as problem solving.” – Walter Murch
“Editing is like thinking, only with your eyes.” – Walter Murch

“The essence of cinema is editing.” – Sergei Eisenstein
“Editing is the one thing that makes filmmaking a collaborative art.” – Paul Hirsch

“The best editing is often almost invisible, holding together shots and scenes that seem disparate and distinct. But when it’s done badly, you can’t take your eyes off of it.” – Tom Da Vinci
“If story is king, then editing is queen, and she wears the pants in the monarchy of filmmaking.” – Darryl Frank

“An editor is someone who assembles shots into a sequence that tells a story. A good editor makes sure that the story being told is the one that the director or writer intended to tell.” – Roger Barton
“Editing is all about making choices and finding creative solutions to problems. It’s a process of continual discovery, and the best editors are always learning.” – Alaric Manley

“Editing is often about finding the right balance between two competing impulses: the need to make things clear and the need to make things interesting.” – Mark Friedberg
“Editing is really about shaping and molding a story to its most potent form. It’s about taking all the disparate elements of a film – the characters, dialogue, plot, visuals – and assembling them into a cohesive whole.” – Dylan Tichenor

“Editing is an essential part of filmmaking, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood aspects of the craft. People think it’s just cutting film down to size, but there’s so much more to it than that.” – Sam O’Steen
“Editing is the soul of cinema. It’s what makes a film a film, and not just a collection of images.” – Walter Murch

“Editing is all about finding the heart of the story and then telling it in the most effective way possible.” – Virginia Katz
“Editing is such an important part of filmmaking, but it’s often seen as this dry, technical process. I think of it more as sculpting – you’re taking all these disparate elements and shaping them into something beautiful.” – Andrew Stanton

“Editing is one of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of filmmaking. It’s where you really get to play with time and space and shape the story in a completely unique way.” – Spielberg
“Editing is the process of taking a raw piece of footage and turning it into a finished film. It’s an essential part of the filmmaking process, and it’s something that I love to do.” – George Lucas

“Editing is all about making choices. You’re constantly deciding what to keep in and what to leave out, and each choice you make has an impact on the final product.” – Ang Lee
“Editing is one of the most important aspects of filmmaking, but it’s also one of the most underrated. People often think of it as just cutting film down to size, but there’s so much more to it than that.” – Quentin Tarantino

“Editing is a process of discovery. You’re constantly finding new things in the footage and figuring out new ways to tell the story.” – Martin Scorsese
“Editing is like painting, only with film. You’re constantly making choices and trying to find the best way to tell the story.” – Ridley Scott

“Editing is one of the most important aspects of filmmaking, but it’s also one of the most challenging. It’s where you really get to play with time and space and shape the story in a completely unique way.” – Ang Lee
“The essence of cinema is editing.” – Sergei Eisenstein

“To me, editing is all about finding the heart of the scene and then telling the story in the most effective way possible.” – Walter Murch
“Editing is a process of discovery. You’re constantly finding new things in the footage and figuring out new ways to tell the story.” – Martin Scorsese

“Editing is like painting, only with film. You’re constantly making choices and trying to find the best way to tell the story.” – Ridley Scott