Alexander the Great Quotes on Afghanistan

Alexander the Great, who was born in 356 BC and died in 323 BC, was one of the most successful military commanders of all time. He conquered most of the world known to him at the time, including present-day Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya and parts of Iran. In 327 BC, he invaded Afghanistan.

At that time, Afghanistan was divided into a number of small kingdoms. Alexander’s army quickly defeated these kingdoms and seized control of the region. He then advanced further into India, but his army became exhausted and he was forced to turn back. Alexander never returned to Afghanistan, but his conquest left a lasting legacy. The

Alexander’s invasion of Afghanistan was significant because it showed that even a powerful empire like Greece could not conquer all of Afghanistan. The Afghan people were able to resist Alexander’s army and eventually forced him to retreat. This demonstrated that Afghanistan is a tough country that is not easy to conquer. The Afghan people have a proud history of resisting foreign invaders, and they continue to do so today.

One thing is for sure, Alexander the Great admired Afghanistan and it’s people a lot.

2 Alexander the Great Quotes on Afghanistan

I could only find two quotes of Alexander the Great on Afghanistan.

“God must have loved Afghans because he made them so beautiful.”

”May God keep you away from the venom of the cobra, the teeth of the tiger, and the revenge of the Afghans.